Sorry for the false advertising, I'm talking skincare, not hop hop FOOOL, although I do love hip hop.. I'm talking Aesop as in the Australian owned and made skincare label that makes the beautiful all nautral products for your skin, hair and soul. I'm not sure whether its on purpose or just a damn shame, but I feel like Aesop doesn't get enough press or props as everything they make is totally magical and once you use you'll never go back to the $10 drying Nivea crap you normally use. My all time favourite is Parsley Seed Face Mask which will make you look like a poor man's mime but will leave your skin baby arse smooth and the tube will last nearly a year even if used twice a week.
I went to my local Aesop to buy a new cleanser as I'm sick of drying cheap mass produce crap and was gently conned into buy the latest, and most expensive Parlsey Seed Cleansing Facial Oil. Slightly unsure ast oil only belongs in a deep fryer or on my scalp, and at $55 a pop not the cheapest risk to take but I am totally converted. You wet your hands slightly, use a few drops of the oil and it will turn into a slightly creamy lotion that cleans better then anything else I've used, and leaves your skin smooth and soft. Mmm.
At either a Aesop store, or in a department store, you'll receive down to earth, friendly service and loads of samples that will have you coming back.