Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

For the record, what IS that one I completed? She is sitting on his back and sexily mouthing his heel. From what I can tell. Maybe I'm dyslexic.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Give the man pie

Sunday, January 24, 2010
People at work that ask you first thing on a Monday how your weekend was. It was great, cheers. You just ruined it. Wait until Wednesday you asshat.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
What would you rather?

(Is the name of a partuicularly cheap brand of Australian goon, but sounds to me like some kind of German curse word. I imagine it to be equivalent to the French 'Sacrebleu'. Shall continue to use it as such)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My hero

Mr Phil Jackson was philosophical, saying the day before he had gone to KFC to get a five-piece wing pack, only to find six pieces inside.
"What you lose on the hurdy-gurdy you pick up on the roundabout," he said.
What does that even mean? How did this make the news? I don't know. But this smack talkin' KFC system beatin' guy sounds like a legend.
Scary? Romantic?

The poorly named 'Seduberries' are the brain child of engineering entrepreneur, Josh Engwerda. "I thought I could do something with my strawberries and decided to try to make them into hearts for my girlfriend,"
Warped bionic strawberries aren't particularly my bag, but props to Joshie Baby for engineering his way into his girl's heart almost a month in advance. For shame, you other men you. Get your deformed strawbs here
Uffie of Course
'Sex Dreams And Denim Jeans' has production work from Feadz, Sebastian, Mr Oizo and Pharrell Williams, who'll also guest on Uffie's first single from the new disc.
Get ready to... well you know. Uff
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Fence Jumping with Morals

The Big Day Out 2010 are looking for Crowd Care volunteers, an experience which many of you enjoyed last year. A Crowd Care volunteer acts as a link between patrons, security, St Johns Ambulance & BDO admin. You will be required to keep a watchful yet unobtrusive eye on the crowd and assessing if any individual patrons require further assistance. Most of your time will be spent handing out programs, giving directions to stages, toilets, free water points, ATM’S etc.
You must:
Be 18 years and over, have First Aid Certificate (not essential but a bonus), be responsible, reliable and honest friendly and approachable. Love of music and festivals A non judgmental approach. Commitment to team work
You'll get:
Necessary training, information and support A Big Day Out 2010 T shirtLight Refreshments
What you're doing this week.

Monthly Friend (zine/art thing) meets Penguin Plays Rough (poetry/fiction readings). 18th of Jan at 1/475 King St Newtown. Featuring Malcolm Whittaker, Alice Williams, Hossein Ghaemi' Annaliese Constable and Talya Rubin $5 on the door + donation for a fantabulous zine/program. Get along and experience some literary art.
Tuesday 19th
Artist Jesse Willesee will be launching his debut book of poetry, YOU PUT A SHIRT ON A HANGOVER AND CALL IT A DAY, with an exhibition unlike any other - featuring interactive installations over three rooms, performance art and a unique private poetry reading from the artist himself. Russian Coachman Restaurant, 763 Bourke St Surry Hills. $5 entry gets your table a bottle of vino.
Wednesday 20th
The Wall at World Bar features Anthony Bartok, a 26 year old artist living and working in Sydney. Since leaving to National Art School in 2002, Bartok has had several solo shows in Melbourne and Sydney Artist Run Galleries. Music wise The Wall's favorite duo CRUDE & DORKMEISTER (NL) Return to our shores with bags of tunes and sex toys from their stint in Amsterdam. NB - World Bar are also holding a comedy night upstairs called Stand Up Get Down on the same night. Free entry for anyone wearing a toga otherwise it's $10 comedy starts at 8 sharp.
Thursday 21st
Jamaican Me Crazy at Melt - your first chance to get back there in 2010 woo! The Empty Hands Crew invite you to a massive night of Reggae, Dancehall, Dubstep and Caribbean inspired electronic beats. With free entry offered to all early birds ($5 after 10pm) and $5 Vodka and Tap beer from 10-12pm this night has all the right ingredients for good times!
Friday 22nd
Where else would you be but watching Sydney indie darlings Lions at your Door at Wharf Sessions, a new night out at the Sydney Theatre Company. It's FREE. Kicks off at 10pm - but get down early damn you.
Saturday 23rd
LOOKOUT 2010 at the OAF, the Art Factory's showcase of artists they think are going to crack it big in 2010. It's free, and you'll get to see cutting edge dorks like Parades, The Laurels, Cabins, Bearhug, Joysticks, Georgia Fair and Sticky Fingers in a two-room all night party extravaganza. Doors at 8pm
Sunday 24th
You can come to the beach with me & Coco x
Thursday, January 14, 2010
More Tobias, Just Because

"I'm afraid I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run if you
will, so I'm afraid I have something of a mess on my hands. "
will, so I'm afraid I have something of a mess on my hands. "
"Michael if I may take off my pants and pull my analrapist stocking over my
head, I think George Michael may be suffering from what we in the soft-sciences
call "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder", or the "The O.C. Disorder". "
head, I think George Michael may be suffering from what we in the soft-sciences
call "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder", or the "The O.C. Disorder". "
"Gob, I would like to be in your trick and there's someone I'd like to put in a plug for. Or... should I say 4,000 plugs?"
'Time for me to take off my receptionist skirt and put on my Barbara Streisand in the Prince Of Tides ass-masking therapist pantsuit"
"I will be a bigger and hairier mole than the one on your inner left thigh!"
"Or it could be your colon. I’d want to get in there and find some answers."
"Even if it means me taking a chubby, I will suck it up"
"Okay, who’d like a banger in the mouth? Oh, right. I forgot. Here in the States, you call it a sausage in the mouth."
"I will pack your mouth with your sweet, pink mouth with so much ice cream, you'll be the envy of every Jerry and Jane on the block"
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Perfumes I would let you buy me

A true eyesore of a bottle, guarenteed to keep the attention of tripping teenage junkies as above. Musky, light, floral.

I've had my nose on this one for a while now, gorgeous bottle, gorgeous smell. Light, feminine.
My flatmate wears this and it makes me want to eat her every morning. Nuff said
Monday, January 11, 2010
No, not Kanye

Shoot the Player is exactly what is sounds like. Masterminds of the project Amelia Tovey and Jonathan Ward set about filming spontaneous, unplugged music videos around Sydney, putting great musicians in iconic locations where you’d never expect them to be.
Each single-shot film is a unique, never-to-be-repeated musical and visual experience. You'll see Bob Evans at Bourke St Bakery, Amanda Palmer in her pyjamas, Kaki King at the War Memorial, Sarah Blasko in a tattoo parlour, and lots more.
Shoot The Player installation is presented by CarriageWorks and will run from the 8th until the 30th of January. For more information check out And did I mention it is FREE? Well it is. Wow!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
2009 - Best of

True Blood
Dr Stuart's Tea
Stalking Alexis Taylor through Chinatown
Sunshine's Saturday morning sets at Revs
Sunday's at Bondi Resort
Rosehip Oil
Interstate Moves
Country drives with Neil Young
Eating in bed
Deep Fried Lasagne
The arrival of Mrs Mia Wallace
Kitchen dancing at Toorak Rd
The departure of Mrs Mia Wallace
Sky diving
HenKel Champagne
Jesse Rose
Flanelette Shirts
Floating in a tinny with YY in the darkness of night
Miike Snow
Bedroom parties in the X
New Year morning '09 watching the rain fall with Portishead & people I love
Cat Alley
Where the Wild Things Are
Street Fashion Blogs
Darling Point Daaarhling
Darling Point Daaarhling
Listening to In Rainbows in the dark
Hungover coffee's at Grocery Bar
The Book Thief
Jose at the Athenaeum
Weekends In Shoreham
Breakfasts/Lunches/Dinners at Kings Cafe
First track of Zombie Disco Squad mix
Backyard haircuts
Mounted police escorts
Atoms of Love
Black ankle boots
Best Friends
The Hills
The Book Exchange
Northside (Melbourne)
Cheers Darling
Love Magazine
Samson & Deliah
All I wanted for Christmas

was this Tobias Funke Sockmonkey. Instead I got AC/DC tickets and an overseas holiday... sigh...
Ooh, I can taste those meaty, leading man parts in my mouth!
Assisted Living

Ok so admit now that you read Perez Hilton everyday just to get it over with.... go. Sweet cheers for that, P-Hizzle has a new project and it's a doozy. I've only watched a trailer so I'm yet to validate it's hilarity, but it seems that the big P man has teamed up with Michael Mouris from to create an animated series called Assisted Living. And it's all about CELEBRITIES.
Assisted Living is all about the world of celebrities, as seen through the eyes of their assistants. The celebrities look great, and the show doesn't mince words or opinions. Impressions have so far been classic, but then again Wino and Doherty aren't hard to send up. Funny funny.
I cant post a link due to explicit material (even more reason to watch it) but it will be uploaded weekly onto YouTube, so search 'Assisted Living'. First ep out NOW!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Days Like This. or These? Not wait This. These. This

This Sunday see's the Days Like Festival happening at Moore Park again in what is sure to be the festival of Summer. With a totally bangin line up including The Nextmen, Dj Marky, Roots Manuva, Mayer Hawthorne, Method man & Redman, plus loads of local dj's. This Hip Hop flavoured party is going to go off. So if you like your festivals chilled, sunny and lacking in shirtless men then this is for you. Although after a few overpriced Barcadi's I can't promise my shirt will stay on. Cat Power WOOOOO!! For full line up, tickets and set times check out the website I'll see you on the d-floor
Monday, January 4, 2010
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