Monthly Friend (zine/art thing) meets Penguin Plays Rough (poetry/fiction readings). 18th of Jan at 1/475 King St Newtown. Featuring Malcolm Whittaker, Alice Williams, Hossein Ghaemi' Annaliese Constable and Talya Rubin $5 on the door + donation for a fantabulous zine/program. Get along and experience some literary art.
Tuesday 19th
Artist Jesse Willesee will be launching his debut book of poetry, YOU PUT A SHIRT ON A HANGOVER AND CALL IT A DAY, with an exhibition unlike any other - featuring interactive installations over three rooms, performance art and a unique private poetry reading from the artist himself. Russian Coachman Restaurant, 763 Bourke St Surry Hills. $5 entry gets your table a bottle of vino.
Wednesday 20th
The Wall at World Bar features Anthony Bartok, a 26 year old artist living and working in Sydney. Since leaving to National Art School in 2002, Bartok has had several solo shows in Melbourne and Sydney Artist Run Galleries. Music wise The Wall's favorite duo CRUDE & DORKMEISTER (NL) Return to our shores with bags of tunes and sex toys from their stint in Amsterdam. NB - World Bar are also holding a comedy night upstairs called Stand Up Get Down on the same night. Free entry for anyone wearing a toga otherwise it's $10 comedy starts at 8 sharp.
Thursday 21st
Jamaican Me Crazy at Melt - your first chance to get back there in 2010 woo! The Empty Hands Crew invite you to a massive night of Reggae, Dancehall, Dubstep and Caribbean inspired electronic beats. With free entry offered to all early birds ($5 after 10pm) and $5 Vodka and Tap beer from 10-12pm this night has all the right ingredients for good times!
Friday 22nd
Where else would you be but watching Sydney indie darlings Lions at your Door at Wharf Sessions, a new night out at the Sydney Theatre Company. It's FREE. Kicks off at 10pm - but get down early damn you.
Saturday 23rd
LOOKOUT 2010 at the OAF, the Art Factory's showcase of artists they think are going to crack it big in 2010. It's free, and you'll get to see cutting edge dorks like Parades, The Laurels, Cabins, Bearhug, Joysticks, Georgia Fair and Sticky Fingers in a two-room all night party extravaganza. Doors at 8pm
Sunday 24th
You can come to the beach with me & Coco x
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