Sunday, May 30, 2010


My favourite man from Team Zoe, Brad (Joey needs to seriously die. Like literally die not "I die" die) has posed for super creepy photographer Terry Richardson and looks totally hot. Who'd have thought that underneath his fabulous blazer and bow ties would be such rock hard abs. Owe!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Song Of The Week

From the old winking man, to the Carerra's to the street jazz ballet. Hot Hot Hot

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Fiddy ain't looking so great..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Seasonal Depression & The Pros of Canned Goods

Every year without fail, as soon as the weather cools down so do I. Towards life. And socialising. And hygiene and general self respect. I also start hating my life. My hair. My friends. My shoes. I'm a miserable wreck that doesn't want to leave the house until thongs are once again wearable. This year my annual hibernation has started early, Autumn and I feel my once booze fuelled wanna be glamour sun kissed fabulous Sydney life has turned into one long snacking tv session in bed. No wait, its doesn't feel like it, it has. Last weekend I spent 28 hours straight horizontal in bed, minus the 20 mins I ate a mexican themed meal at my local junkie favoured food emporium, 2.5 mins trying to get clearer reception whilst watching Customs and 1 trip downstairs to go the toilet. ONE TRIP. In 28 hours I urinated once and the only liquid I ate was the juice of melted sour cream and my own saliva. WTF?? Any way I digress. There is nothing witty or clever or cool I can offer you or anyone for that matter. Until winter is over, I've shed my skin and the snow has melted I am a boring waste of space. My top priority's right now are planning different meals to involve Stagg Chilli, downloading Rod Stewart albums, dissecting the lives and relationships of revolting MTV American reality stars like they are my real friends (ok so they sort of are) finding things to blow my nose on in my room, having sexy dreams about Ari Gold, planning Rachel Zoe's TayTay inspired outfits for events that don't exist and having anxiety attacks about what I'm going to watch once I've finished Modern Family. So lacklustre is my soul that I neglected my strict fake tanning regime. No one see's your tan in a dark room, but only the silver glint of an empty Dorito's bag and the warm glow of Window's Media Player. So friends, if you do decide to stick the next few months out with me I can't promise it will be interesting or inspiring. But I do promise whats hot in American Sitcom, 10 easy snacks using mayonnaise and frozen garlic bread and how to clean your sheets without washing them (pssst here's a hint, turn them inside out)

What will get me out of the slovenly mind-numbing funk I'm in? I'm hoping Series 7 of the Hills

You know you love me xoxo

Sunday, May 23, 2010


UDI's - Unidentified Drunken Injuries
Waking up in your own bed wearing a t shirt you didn't know you had, a half eaten pie and both elbows Cadbury Purple and painful to move and no idea how or why ain't too cool


Drunk chicks
You know it. I certainly know it. LCD Soundsystem knows it. Life is better with drunk girls

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Worst Jeans in the World

To keep in theme with my new love/hate obession Jersey Shore, I give you possibley the worst jeans ever. If the super wide bootcut doesn't get you, the fake inbuilt thong will.

Denim hasn't taken such a savage beating since embellished jean leggings, or 'jeggings' were unleashed on the western suburbs of the world.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday Monster Mash...... Up

Yeah ok so mash ups are generally pretty shit I know but I really really love this mix of 99 Problems set to a big band beat from The Dap Kings. So does my mum.
"Did he just say hoe?"
" Mum as ifff! Would trombones and hoe's be in the same song together? hmm??"
Right click on the link below

Tada*s Revolution

Trying to put into words what exactly Tada's Revolution is tricky. Its a magical too cute world with dark humour, layered characters living life in modern times, served with a quick and punchy point. Don't let me ruin it just go enjoy it for yourself. It will be the best thing you see today. Besides Ronnie dancing on Jersey Shore but that's a whole other post.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bloggin Ain't Easy

Due to popular demand from our fans, all five of you, we're back. And by we I mean me. As my non-practising life partner Mild Cat tours the world without a passport but a sensible and ugly pair of birkenstocks I shall carry the blogging flag.

In honour of being back online, and also Coco & Maria's love for Gaga and homemade video clips, I give you live from Afghanistan, The US army and Telephone