Blogging about blogging? Mind blowing I know! If you haven’t heard about the hottest blogger this side of Perez’ arse then you don’t spend as much time on the internet as me. Tavi is the 13 year old fashion protégé behind
Style Rookie, a fashion blog followed by 4 million people world wide. While most of us were dealing with Libra pads, Jeremy Jordan and hiding Barbie caravan s from your new high school friends, Tavi is self styling photo shots of herself, reviewing S/S 2015 fashion shows of designers you’ve never heard of, or sitting front row at a Marc Jacob Shows. Oh sorry and appearing on multiple covers of some of UK’s hottest magazine’s, including Love and POP. As her popularity and celebrity grows, as do posts about the shows she went to, the designer she meet, the parties she’s been too blah blah. GET ON WITH IT TAVI. More witty observations and weird outfits and less arse kissing. Oh and smiling, someone is due for braces before Junior high starts me thinks... I still love her. She’s funny and does have an eye for style. I recommend starting back at early posts and working your way to current. Is it illegal to have a crush on 13 year old girl? Not if she looks like a 13 year old boy
Still illegal. I checked